The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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Layton Family

First Generation: James Layton married Elizabeth Padgett , daughter of John Padgett and Elizabeth Cawood Padgett, before 1771. Their children were baptized at the Carroll's Manor Moravian Church in 1771, 1773, 1775. The Salem NC) Moravian Congregation Diary reads "Mr. Padged's daughter passed on the way to join her parents (at the Hope Settlement). Her husband, named Laden, died of samll pox in Virginia on the journey hither - be bewailed the fact that he had not reached Salem, as he would have liked to die here."

Second Generation:

Children of James Layton and Elizabeth Padgett
Rebekah Layton (b. Jan 1771). Did she marry Andreas Volck (1765-1814)?
Mary Layton (b. 1773)
Jacob Layton (b. 1775)


Records of the Moravians in North Carolina
"Moravian Families of Carroll's Manor, Frederick County, Maryland," written by George Ely Russell

©, 2001-2007 Faye Jarvis Moran

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