The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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Lick Family

First Generation

Martin Lick (originally Lück) (1726-1760) came to North Carolina with his wife Barbara Steiner (1723-1765) in 1757. After his death she married George Holder.

First Generation

Magdalena Lick (1756-1835) m. Johannes Reuz (1752-1810)
Martin Lick (1759-1834) m. Christina Hauser (1763-1828)

Second Generation

Children of Martin Lick and Christina Hauser
Susanna Lick (1787-1853) m. Johann Joachim Hagen (1771-1844)
Christina Elizabeth Lick (1796-1865) did not marry
[added 2/29/04]
Johanna Salome Lick (1803-1820)


Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, 12 volumes; Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission

©, 2001-2007 Faye Jarvis Moran

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