First. I will that all those debts & dutyes that I owe in Rt or conscience to any man'r of person or persons whatsoever shall well & truely been contented and paid or ordained to bee paid by Executes hereafter names with convenient time after my decease.
2dly. I will that my Eldest Sonne JNO. posses and enjoy quietly without any trouble or molestation of any person or persons whatsoever what formerly I gave him in his custody & doe now enjoy & 21S. 6 d. more at my death.
3dly. I will that my Sonne in law WM CHESHIRE & MARY his wife & my sonne MATTHEW have each of them 21 s. 6 d. allowed them by Execut'r as Soone as Conveniently may bee after my decease.
4thly. I will that my Loving Friend HENRY FFEARNELY for sevarall times writing my Will & Settling my accot's bee allowed 3000 lbs of tob., 2 Silver Spoons & a hair Camelett Coat lyned with flowered Satin or if not ye Coat & Spoons then in lew of them 3000 lbs of tob. as soone as convenient after my decease.
5thly. I will that my Serving Maid GRESSELL DONGIN for her faithfulness & care in ye time of her Service & Sence bee allowed & delivered her one Cow & Calfe & 2000 lbs of tob., 1 feather bed bolst'r worsted Rugg pillow & a p'r of blanketts, 1 large pewter dish & 2 larg pewter basons, 2 pewter plates, 2 pewter poring'es & 10 y'rd of hair Camelett which I have now in ye house as soone as convenient after my decease of if not ye particular things aforemencenced then in lew of them to have tenn thousand pounds of tob. more than what Tob. is already menconed
6thly and Lastly I will that my two Sonnes JUSTINIAN & ABSALOM have equally between them ye plantacon I now live on & all other Land that is mine & all & singular my Goods & Chattells whatsoever & negroes namely Perry & Solomon & all my Sheep, hogges & cattle to mee belonging as absolutely as they wer my owne when I was liviing unto them ye s'd JUSTINIAN & ABSALOM my Execut'rs of this my last Will & Testam't & doe desire my loving friend & neighbo'r & Cap't JOHN COODE to bee assistant to them in ye performing and managing their affairs. In Wittness to ye above s'd articles I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale ye day & year above written.
Acknowedged to bee his last Will & Testam't
& Sealed it in ye presence of us.
And on the back side of ye s'd Will was thus written VIZ
Febr'e ye 8th 1682/83. Then came ye within named Wm. Goddard one of ye Wittnesses to ye within
menconed Will & made oath according to usuall forme before mee.