To The Sheriff of Wilkes County
Whereas information upon oath hath been made upon the oath of Wilson Foster of Caldwell County that his daughter Laura Foster, late of said County misteriously disappeared from her home, under circumstances as to induce him to believe that she has been murdered or otherwise foully dealth with by certain persons under Suspicion To Wit, Thomas Dula, Ann Pauline Melton, Ann Pauline Dula and Granville Dula, this is therefore to command you to arrest the bodies of the said Thomas Dula, Ann Pauline Melton, Ann Pauline Dula and Granville Dula of the County of Wilkes if to be found and have them before me or some other Justice of the Peace to answer the above charge and be further dealth with according to law. Having made my hand and seal this 25th day of June 1866.
Pickens Fathering, JP (seal)