The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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De Schweinitz Family

First Generation

This name is given as von Schweinitz in some of the early Moravian records.

Emil Adolphus de Schweinitz (1816-1879) was a Moravian minister who came to Salem from Nazareth PA in 1848 to become head of the Girls' Boarding School (Salem Academy). His wife was Sophia Amelia Herman (1822-1904).

Second Generation

Children of Emil de Schweinitz and Sophia Amelia Herman
Adelaide Hedwig de Schweinitz (1857-1871) m. Henry Theodore Bahnson (1845-1917)
Agnes de Schweinitz (1849-1915) m. John William Fries (1846-1927)
Edward de Schweinitz (born and died 1951)
Eleanor Elizabeth de Schweinitz (1853-1927) m. Nathaniel Schober Siewers (1945-1901)
Emily L. de Schweinitz (1856-1929) m. William A. Lemly (1846-1928)
Anna Paulina de Schweinitz (1860-1934) m. Francis Henry Fries (1855-1931)
Emil Alexander de Schweinitz (1864-1904)


Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, 12 volumes; Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission

Forsyth Co. NC cemetery records

Forsyth Co. NC census records

This page was created on November 25, 2003.

©, 2001-2007 Faye Jarvis Moran

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