North Carolina

Annual Report of the Commisioner of Indian Affairs

Extracted from People's Press, (Salem) N.C., Vol. II., No. 46. January 1, 1853

The Hon. Luke Lee, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, has made an interesting annual report, which embraces the operations of the Government Agents a month the several tribes during the year. A report is given of the habits, agricultural efforts and industry of the tribes, many of whom has secured rich returns from their fields. It is observable that those tribes that enjoy large annuities, made but little improvement in their modes of living.

The smallpox, reinforced by inebriety and general dissoluteness, has this year dealt sternly with the Sacs and Foxes. Their numbers have been thinned by death with an unparing hand.. Agriculture is almost entirely neglected, and the attachment to old habits, encouraged by despotic chiefs, materially retards their improvement.

The Cherokees are embarrassed by an onerous public debt, which they are striving in good faith to discharge. For this and other public purposes they are anxious to sell to the United States the tract of country containing about 80,000 acres, know as the "Cherokee Neutral Ground;" and there is much force of argument in favor of the obligation of the government to relieve them by taking back the land at the price they were required to allow the United States for it when it was granted to them.

Late advices from Billy BOWLEGS have no doubt that his stipulation to emigrate will be adhered to.

The Indians in New Mexico are generally quite. The Apaches, near El Paso, however, are troublesome, and a squad of mounted men are asked for to keep them in check.

The Commissioner recommends to Congress some timely and efficient measures for the proper disposition and management of the Indians in California.

Something also must be done for the Indians west of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon.

ALHN NC Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation

People's Press

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