LOCATION: The Ellington Farm is in the Oregon Hill section of Rockingham County.

Driving on Guerrant Springs Rd. between Mt. Carmel Church and its cemetery, you take the first left onto Moir Mill Rd., cross the intersection with Hampton Rd., pass DeStefano Rd. and go about a quarter mile. Then you take a left into the driveway of the Ellington Farm, travel as far as possible back into the farm, then walk through underbrush and woods. The site is covered with underbrush and debris, but Sarah's stone is obvious and is standing straight. Without it, no one would know who is buried there. We believe many of her children who died during a scarlet fever epidemic of the early 1890s are there, along with others named WALL, ELLINGTON, and FRENCH, since those were family names. Perhaps her mother, DELIAH ANN JUDA STRADOR & father ABRAHAM J. WALL are also there, since we cannot find them anywhere else.

This information provided by: Jeanne Rolfe Nostrandt, (email address, nostrajr@jmu.edu)

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