I give unto my wife all my houseing and Lands during her life, and 1/3 parte of my Lands to dispose of at her
death amongst my Children as she pleaseth, and I give her all my moveable goods, as Cattell and howsehold
stuffe, and all other implements or moveables. And the other two prts of my land & Howse, I give to my
Elder sonne RICHARD, and to his heires forever; and if he dy wthout an heir, then I give yt to my sonne
ROBERT, and to his heirs forever. To my dau. SARAH, besides the Cattell I formerly have given her, my will is,
that my wife shall pay her 20, two yeres after my death. To my sonne, John LYMAN, I give him 30, to be
paid by my wife att 22 years of age. To my sonne ROBERT. I give 24 at 22 years of age; and to my dau.
FILLIS, the wife of William HILLS. I give tenne shillings; and I make my wife sole Executrixe to this my last will.
Richard Lyman
Witness: Thomas Bull, John Moodie, Andrew Bacon.
Court Record, Page 81--27 January, 1642 (Particular Courte).
The Will and Invt. of Richard Lyman, Decd., is brought into Court. John Moody makes oath that yt is the
Last Will of the said Rich., and the noate that was brought in is the noate of the Widdow Lyman, Decd. The
several prtyes prsent at the prsenting of the said Will agree that John Lyman, if he live, will be 22 yere ould in
Septe, 1645; Robert Lyman, 22 in Sept. 1651.
24 July.
The wydowe Lymans mynd is that her sonne Richard Lyman should prforme her husbands will, and that her
son Robert should live wth him till he be 22 yeares of age; and she gives Robert Lyman the third prrte of the
howsen & grounds; & for the prformence of her husbands will she gives Richard all her moveable goods,
both wth out the howse and wth in, only her wearing Clothes and some of her lining She will dispose of.
John Moodie. Andrew Bacon.