The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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Byhan Family

First Generation

Gottlieb Byhan (1777-1862) arrived from Europe in 1795, and although he was trained as a weaver, he was put to work in the bakery in Salem, as that was a more pressing need for the community. He was not successful there, and eventually became a joiner. In 1801 he married Dorothea Schneider (1769-1854) and went with her to the Cherokee mission where his "knowledge of weaving, baking, cabinet-work and music would be valuable". They seem to have returned to Salem for a few years, and then gone back to the mission in the 1820s. By 1838 they were back in Wachovia again, and in 1841 he became the pastor of the black church in Salem.

Second Generation

Children of Gottlieb Byhan and Dorothea Schneider
Sophia Dorothea Byhan (1807-1886) m. Evan Boner (1806-1854)
Nathaniel Byhan (1803-1867) m. Angelina Blum (1812-1900)
Rebecca Elizabeth Byhan (1808-1824)
Anna Rachel Byhan (1812-after 1880) m. Lewis Leinbach (ca. 1813-1895)


Scholley, Peggy. The Weavers of Salem. Three Forks of Muddy Creek IX, 28

Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, 11 volumes; Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission

Forsyth County Cemetery Records

©, 2001-2007 Faye Jarvis Moran

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