The Jarvis Family and Other Relatives

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Schumacher Family

First Generation

George Adam Schumacher was one of the settlers who came to North Carolina from Broad Bay, Maine. He may have been the son of an Adam Schumacher who immigrated initially to New Jersey or Pennsylvania, and his first wife may have been Barbara Kurtz, of Pennsylvania. By about 1755, however, he was in Maine, by whatever route he got there, and in 1765 he married Sophia Vogt Wohlfahrt, a widow. They came to North Carolina in 1769, with his four children and Elizabeth and Jacob Wohlfahrt, Sophia's children from her first marriage.

Second Generation

Children of George Adam Schumacher and (probably) Barbara Kurtz
Adam Schumacher (1755-1786) m. Anna Margaretha Hauser (1757-1800)
Jacobina Schumacher (1758-1816) m. John Holland (1745-1810)
Eva Schumacher (?-1779) did not marry
Dorothea Schumacher (1761-1828) m. Gottfried Schultz (1750-1823)

Adam Schumacher drowned in the Congaree River in South Carolina, en route home from a trip to buy goods for the Salem stores. His widow Anna Margaretha married Josiah Wright.

Third Generation

Children of Adam Schumacher and Anna Margaretha Hauser Anna Elisabeth Schumacher (1785-1832) m. William Holland (1790-1860)
Maria Magdalena Schumacher (1781-1818) m. Peter Conrad (1777-1850)

William Holland was the son of John Holland and Jacobina Schumacher. He and Anna Elisabeth married in defiance of congregation rules against marriages between first cousins.

©, 2001-2007
Faye Jarvis Moran and Elizabeth H. Harris,


Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, 12 volumes; Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission

Thanks also to Dick Shoemaker, whose sources include Jacob Stahl's History of Old Broad Bay and Waldoboro; Miller's History of Waldoboro pages 64 and 66; and Lincoln County ME Deeds book 7, p. 88.

This page was created on June 3, 2001 and revised on June 19, 2005.

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